Vees Mini and Youth Chairs Corner

It’s been great to get back to what we have deemed as ‘normality’ and seeing the mini and youth getting back into full action with training and matches!

Playing side

Overall from the match reports that we are seeing and publishing, the mini and youth are currently having quite a bit of success on the pitch both in terms of level of performances and results which is great to see. Just yesterday two match reports came in where there was an evenly contested match and Vees taking the win with the last moments of the game! Win or lose, those sort of matches and events are where the mini and youth will learn a lot - about the game, and about themselves in life generally.

Whilst the mini and youth section is thriving a number of age groups are right at their limits in terms of playing numbers, which can make fulfilling fixtures difficult especially during cold and flu season and schools rugby also commencing. Under 15s age group have had a really successful merger with Welwyn whose own values align to ours and it has been win-win with Welwyn and Vees being able to continue playing, making new friends and strengthening the overall team! As mini and youth chairs we meet with the other chairs in Hertfordshire so please contact us if you need more numbers and want to considering an age group merger.

Volunteers Awards

One of our club members put forward an idea of a volunteers reward / award scheme across the whole club, which we costed and put forwards to the main committee and gained approval to roll out. Whilst I believe there are tweaks to be made to the scheme for next year, I am proud that this scheme now exists and our inaugural winner was Andy Robertson, our coach in the minis section. Next monthly awards are due imminently. Don’t forget there are also golden vouchers and thank you cards to give out to people who you want to say a quick and immediate thank you too. Contact Colin Gentleman, John Penn or Nicola Diplock if you need pointing in the right direction.

First Aid

We are working hard to improve the first aid provision on a Sunday morning. We need volunteers particularly in under 8s age groups and under 12 age groups. If you are already in a medical profession then we would really appreciate you stepping forward, but for those that are interested but don’t have a medical background, then full training will be provided and we can assign you with a ‘first aid buddy’ to make sure you are ok and to work with you. I’m also a first aider with no prior medical background - so we will look after you! Our superb first aid coordinator is Lindsay Digweed so contact Lindsay on a Sunday if you are interested or myself on and I’ll put you in touch with Lindsay. 


Since the start of the season coaching teams have gone into schools to support the teaching and coaching of rugby, in line with our mission to provide rugby opportunities for all and give more children the exposure to the great game of rugby!  We are both impressed and extremely proud of the coaches who have gone into schools and undertaken these sessions during the working week. So far we have been into London Colney Primary School, Verulam school, and Marlborough School providing coaching for all Age groups over the course of a week at each school. Parmiters school and Samual Ryder school have both shown interest and we are in early stages of conversations to work out what happens next - so watch this space!


We have two desired projects - one which is in progress and that’s the raise the roof project. Pictures of progress is on our website and club news section - thanks to Phil Bignell and his team who refurbished most of the clubhouse roof for us! We continue to tackle that project phase by phase.

The second is to replace the floodlights, which will benefit the mini and junior and senior sections by providing better lighting across more areas at the club, allowing more teams to train there, and ensuring the best lighting possible whilst training. The second phase will eventually be to add more floodlights allowing even more activities at the club for our children, whilst spreading the load and protecting the first team pitch.

You will see a request for crowd funding to offer rewards for those that donate, once we have this in place we will then start the crowd funding campaign:

You will also see a campaign from us with co-op on this link:

Basically, become a co-op member and you can select the club as the local good cause and gift your reward points to the Vees - this will go towards the floodlights and the roof projects.

 Thank you to the 948 organisation and  all of sponsors who have sponsored teams in order to provide new team kit.

Food Options

We decided this year to try out new food options after games, and we are now offering pasta after games which enables the teams to sit down and socialise after the game. Food is always an emotive topic but if anyone has any feedback on food offering after game please contact me on  We are proud to be trying something new and encouraging socialising after the lockdowns we have all experienced.

Social Evenings

Since August this year we have offered social evenings once a month, where we open the clubhouse and all our members, family and friends of members are welcome to come and enjoy a beverage or two or three or…. Our next social evening is on 26th November and our resident Pie man, Jo the Pieman will be offering pie and mash and is available for pre-order. More details on our website:

We still have the Vees Christmas Wonderland, Vees Quiz Night, and a wine and cheese evening to come between now and March!

Match Reports & website

During the close season we undertook a project to improve our website, and social media coverage. This included making the club welcome pack, club handbook and club sponsorship packages available on the website and in a new and improved format (thank you Chantal!) Whilst there are many more improvements to be made to the website and social media,  I’m proud of where we have got to, at the moment. The website has been significantly improved in terms of layout and also content, and each week we publicise match reports from the seniors and mini and youth sections - our last match report is here:

Any club news or fixtures etc please head to our website and save it as one of your favourites!

Finally the Mighty Vees First XV are at home tomorrow against Thamesians, 3 pm kick off. Please pop down and support the team and the #Rebuild the team are undertaking!

Come on you Vees!

Colin and John

Mini and Youth Co-Chairs

Richard Bradley