Club Chairs Update November 2022

Club Chairs update November 2022

The club chairman wanted to inform all members as what the club is doing moving forward. These projects are to improve facilities both in the clubhouse and on our playing surfaces.

1. This week our much used pitches have been aeriated to a depth of 30cms including the mini training area. This should help with drainage over the winter period.

The RFU are sending a pitch drainage expert down in the near future to further help our drainage problem. This may mean putting in a drainage system from our lower field into the ditch at the side of the road, which borders our club. we are hoping some funding will be available for this.

2. Training and Playing. We have through hard work, got a great uptake at mini and junior levels. This has meant that the pitches and other areas get heavily used virtually every day. Coaches please assist with maintenance of such by rotating your areas for training and matches when possible. This may be problematical at present but once the lights are fixed should not be a problem.

3. Through hard work from Rob Lines and other members our lounge bar is being refurbished and should be finished by the mid February. A number of members are contributing their expertise voluntarily to keep the cost down. Once finished it will be an area that can be used for small social events. The club shop, will still be run from there on Sundays.

4. You will all know that after a lot of hard work by John Penn and a number of other member experts, the replacement flood lights have commence recently. The two lights that have been done so far are a great improvement. The rest will done when a survey of the ground anchors and a solution is completed.

5. In the near future all the main exit double doors will be replaced. This will make the place more secure and make a big difference to the look of the clubhouse and keep unwanted creatures out.

6. The Kitchen, since an inspection by the local council, has been deep cleaned, several appliances have been replaced, some by kind donations of club members. We have had a new pest control system in place since July and are now happy that it is controlling the situation. With the right procedures and maintenance by those that use it, we should have little or no problems in future

7. Please support the Festive Raffle Tickets if you have not had any are on sale behind the bar. There is a box for returned tickets on the bar during opening hours.


Colin Gentleman