Club Chairs News April 2023

The club has had some great results recently culminating in the U15s winning their county final 22-15, at OAS, in some style. Endeavour, application, fitness, and great rugby skills were to the fore in overcoming a strong Chess Valley side with some very big forwards. The game plan was kept to as the support play, elusive running and quick thinking overcame an opposition lead in the final minutes of a well contested game. Congratulations to the squad, the hardworking coaching and management team of Adam Rees, Nathan Stewart and Phil Clark, not forgetting the mums and dads and supporters from all the club for their great support.

Other teams in the minis and juniors have had good results in the last few weeks, including a good result in a tri tournament at home for the U13s on the same day. Thanks must go to all the junior and mini parents who give up much time coaching the players and doing endless essential tasks to assist the smooth running of all sections of the club, and not least supporting. AGAIN THANK YOU!

The senior squad is hopefully going to finish their season in style. After reaching the semi finals of the RFU Papa John Pizzas competition. The semi final game is against Old Johnian RFC, from Ewell, KO 2-30pm at the club. We need your support!

The senior squads have done well this season. The 1 st XV squad finished 4th in the league, reached the final of a County cup competition, ran 2 sides regularly and a vets game against St Albans earlier in the season. This is down to the dedication of a much improved, enthusiastic and more involved management team lead by Chris Monahan our coach.

We look forward to the Mini and Junior presentation day on Sunday 14 th of May and the senior presentation night date TBA.

During the close season there will be a number of improvements done to give the club some much improved facilities. We are hoping to run a work weekend to do a number of achievable volunteer tasks.

Thanks to all Regards Ian “Shanks” Graham

paul beaton