Vees March Newsletter


Vees Newsletter - March 2021

From Ian ‘Shanks' Graham Club Chair

“Life is about taking stock of what you have got, and taking action to achieve your dreams.”

I hope you are all safe and well.  Paul McGoohan our hardworking Club sSecretary is recovering at home after a spell in hospital with Covid.  We send Paul  and his family our best wishes for a swift return to good health.  Dennis (Max) Shroeder, a long time member and until recently active on the club committee, is in hospital having sustained a fracture to an upper vertebrae.  We wish him a full recovery.

At last there is hope for a return to rugby.  In what form?  We will be informed by the RFU and Government in the very near future.  The 29th of March is the day we can start outside training, with up to 15 in group.  The 17th of May is when we will be able to resume some form of indoor activity. The 21st June is when we can get back to normality.  We will let you know details as soon as they become available.  During the present lockdown the Club Leadership Team and other volunteers have been working hard, on your behalf, to keep the Club running, assessing essential maintenance, and looking at urgent improvements that we need to put in place during the next few months.

At present we are researching our Development Plan and once we have done this it will be circulated for your views and feedback.

Please stay safe and well.

Sunday morning exercises hosted by Colin Gentleman continue every week until we get back to real rugby.  Start time is 10am and you will be back to your coffee by 10.30am

Zoom details are 896 1718 0443     Passcode 287602

Everyone of any age is welcome.  You will be even more welcome if you wear your Vees colours.

A brief early history of Verulamians RFC (formerly known as the Old Verulamian RFC)

In 1948 a group of ex-St Albans Grammar School for Boys who had recently left the school fielded an “old boys” XV.  Because plain white shirts were inexpensive the team adopted an all-white strip with blue and gold hooped socks.  The games were played on the school’s playing fields by kind permission of the Headmaster, R F Bradshaw.  He became the Club’s first President, a role that he filled for thirty five years.

In the early years the Club expanded its playing sides and by the early 1960s was fielding four teams regularly. The use of the school playing fields meant that the infant Club needed somewhere to meet and nearby hostelries were used, The Crown and Jolly Sailor to name but two.  However, the first step towards a clubhouse was the use of a room as a clubroom at The Wellington Public House (sadly long gone and under the Christopher Place development).

The selection committee met regularly and players were sent details of their selection by post on a card (no internet and email in those days!).  The teams playing away met at the bus garage to travel to their opponents ground on public transport.

After about ten years the school advised the Club that it could no longer use the school pitches and changing rooms so the idea of a permanent Clubhouse emerged.  With the help of the then Deputy Mayor of St Albans, A B Hobbs the Club acquired a lease of our current ground and Clubhouse at Cotlandswick.  This area is leased to the St Albans District Council on a long lease from the Hertfordshire County Council, the grounds having been acquired for an aborted road scheme.

Immediately work was started (all volunteer) to build a Clubhouse.  The original structure was built entirely of wood and forms the hub of the (much expanded) current Clubhouse.  When completed the new Clubhouse was opened in September 1963 by the then President of the RFU, Sir Angus Walker (plaque celebrating this event is on the wall on the Clubhouse by the bar).  Sir Angus, a distinguished referee, then refereed a game between OV’s and the “old enemy” Old Albanians, a game won by OV’s, 6 points – 3 points (this when a try was worth three not four points!).

At the beginning the clubhouse was not connected to the main electricity supply and had to rely on (a not very reliable generator).  Connection to the mains electricity was achieved in 1970.

To be continued.

Premium Force

We are a small, dedicated and enthusiastic team made up of Mark, Lou & Clare with extensive experience in retailing, embroidery and printing services.

We are stockists of a number of Club kits and are especially proud of the long standing relationship with Verulamians.

We stock all year round the playing kit and a great range of Verulamians branded training kit and leisure clothing for all ages.

The range is available 24/7 from our website where your club has a dedicated page. We also have a bricks and mortar site on Willows Farm Village where we have been situated for over 20 years.

As well as being the Official kit supplier to your club we also retail many other items specific to rugby including balls and training equipment.

Our in house printing and embroidery services mean we may also provide a valuable service to many members as we sell both corporate and workwear which can be branded with your own company logo. 

How to get in touch:

Address - Willows Activity Farm, Coursers Road, London Colney AL2 1BB


Facebook @premiumforce

Twitter @premium_force

Phone 01727 822280

Where we are 

Currently we are offering digitisation of your logo for just £15 a saving from the list price of £35. Quote code V15 in any communicaton.

Mental Health reminder

Struggling with lockdown and feeling low? Need someone to talk to?

The Vees prides itself on being a club where people feel a friendly welcome, rather like an extended family. The lack of regular meets this year has been disruptive to rugby, but for many it is far more than that. We miss our friends and team-mates, and the comradeship afforded by rugby. If you are struggling and want someone to talk to, please contact one of the following:-


  • Rob Lines 07788 145697 OVRFC Mental Health First Aider (“MHFA”)- welcomes calls from any club member (adult or youth) in need of help

  • Youth Talk 07860 701415 A local charity that specialises in providing support to those aged 13-25

  • MIND 0300 123 3393 National charity proving advice, support and counselling for Mental Health (open Mon – Fri 9-6pm)

  • Samaritans 116 123 Phone support - Available any time, day or night

There are a number of other charities and helplines available of course. One that provides some practical support ideas is found using the link Every Mind Matters | One You (


If any adult members/ parents are interested in helping form a small group for Mental Health support within the club, please don’t hesitate to contact Rob on 07788 145697 for further details.



100 Club

The 100 Club is a club fund-raising raffle initiative that has proved popular over the years. Members set up a Standing Order, and for £5 each quarter have the chance to win a cash prize. First prize is £100, with further prizes of £50 and £25 for the next runners-up. All tax-free of course! We currently have 90 members, but as you can guess from the raffle name, we have room for a few more lucky punters. Even if you don’t win, you know that your entry is helping support the club. Anyone wishing to join should simply set up a Standing order as follows:-


Bank:                    Natwest

Account Name   Old Verulamian Rugby Football Club Limited

Sort Code           60-18-11

Account No        24470139

Reference           Your Surname, Initials, Lucky 100

Amount               £5 (or multiples thereof for more chances to win)

Timing                 Most people set up Standing order payments of £5 for the beginning of January, April, July and October.


You should additionally contact draw administrators and to make sure we have your contact details for when we need to let you know you’ve won!



If anyone is interested in advertising in future editions of this newsletter please do get in touch.  Just to tempt you, your first advert will be free!

Following publication of the above photo in the February newsletter I was given the following information. 

The guys working on the start of the clubhouse, which opened in 1963 are John White, Alan French, David Walker all still alive, and  Brian Davies deceased who was one of two driving forces in the clubhouse construction.

That’s it folks - The Vees March 2021 Newsletter.  If you would like to see more or different articles in forthcoming months my inbox is always open  This issue was delayed in the hope that information from the RFU about return to play  protocols would be available, but it was not to be.  This information, and much more, will be available on the Club website

Richard Bradley