Mini and Junior Split Timings

We have had feedback from a variety of sources regarding the continued split timings of Mini and Juniors. As a mini and junior committee, we spent a lot of time discussing both the benefits and the negatives of continuing split timings for training days. The committee voted unanimously to continue with split timings due to (not an exhaustive list):

  • Whilst restrictions in England have been lifted, COVID has not gone away, and we can reduce the amount of contact, and therefore continue to operate the club and reduce the risk of a mass out break.

  • Our mini and junior section has grown with a larger amount of teams than ever before, which whilst great news, means that we have less space on the pitches. As a committee we felt reducing the congestion and having better playing space provided a better environment for the children

  • Reduce parking congestion, and reduce the amount of access and egress off of the A414 - thereby making it safer to get to and from the club.

We understand that there are also negatives to this. Our volunteer team (many of whom are on the committee) have to spend longer at the club, and myself as a parent of a mini and a junior also has a longer day, but we felt that the benefits for the children outweighed the negatives.

In light of recent feedback, we have decided to keep the Split Timings as a standing agenda item on our mini and junior committee meetings, so that we can continue to review the timings.

If you would like to provide feedback on the split timings (both positives and negatives) you can email the mini and junior co-chairs on:

Richard Bradley